School Uniform

New and Nearly New Uniform is now sold on the first Wednesday of the month after school, from the green container on the Key Stage 2 playground.


Charcoal grey knee length skirt, pinafore dress or trousers.
White open-neck blouse or shirt and school tie.
Bottle green jumper, cardigan or fleece with Cranford Park School logo.
Black, sensible shoes and black, white or grey socks or black, white, green or grey tights.


Charcoal grey shorts or culottes with a white polo shirt.
Green and white check dress.
Children may continue wearing their winter uniform in the summer if they wish.

Children in Years R to Y2 (Infant Classes) may wear a white polo top rather than the school tie and white shirt all year round.


We do not allow any jewellery other than one pair of plain stud earrings. The child should not wear these on P.E. days.

Nail polish, fake tattoos or extreme hairstyles (coloured hair, shaved patterns) are not permitted.

PE & Games  

White T-shirt.
Green sports shorts.
Trainers or plimsolls for outdoor activities.

When swimming, a suitable swimming costume or swimming trunks (no bikinis or Bermuda shorts) and towel should be provided.

All items written in GREEN are available to order through the PTA along with book bags, rucksacks, and baseball caps. Order forms are available from the school office or click here to download a copy: FCP Uniform Order Form Apr22.

Please put your completed uniform order form in the PTA DROP BOX located in the office or take it to the green container on a Wednesday after school.

Optional Items
You might also wish to buy a tracksuit or sweatshirt for outside games in the colder weather; these should be in black or bottle green.  The PTA also sell, winter coats, fleeces,  caps for the summer, book bags, PE bags and aprons for Design Technology.

*Please mark each garment with your child’s name*
*Jumpers and cardigans get mislaid VERY easily*