
The school governors work closely with the head teacher. Their work focuses mainly on three core functions:

  1. Setting the school’s strategic framework and ensuring all statutory duties are met;
  2. Acting as a ‘critical friend’, supporting the head teacher and holding them to account for the day-to-day running of the school;
  3. Overseeing the school’s financial performance and ensuring its money is well-spent.

As Governors, we continue to be very grateful for the skill, effort, perseverance, professionalism, care for the children, and teamwork that the Staff demonstrate in facing the challenges of the day-to-day running of the school. We would like to take this opportunity to express our thanks for all they do.

How we are organised:

Our Governing Body is made up of 13 Governors, appointed as follows:

  • 2 Parent Governors, appointed by a ballot of parents
  • 3 Foundation Governors, appointed by the Diocese
  • 6 Co-opted Governors
  • 1 Local Authority Governor – nominated by our Local Councillor
  • 1 Staff Governor, appointed by a ballot of school staff

A list of the current Governors can be found here TBC

Previous governors can be found here Previous Governors

The Governing Body Operating Procedures can be found here

Register of Governors’ Interests 2024-25

Governor Attendance 2024-25

Governor Profiles

Liz Brown – Chair of Governors – Co-opted Governor I taught at Yateley Infants and Cranford Park. I have served on the Governing Body as a staff governor and now as a co-opted governor. I have been a member of Girlguiding for many years and run one of the local Brownie Units. I have held a variety of roles within Girlguiding at local, County and National level.
Tim Storey Foundation Governor I was born and raised in Bristol. I am married to Claire and have two grown up children and a two year old golden retriever called Daisy. I have been the Vicar in Yateley since 2020 and love playing the guitar, reading and walking Daisy.
Gail Ollason  Foundation Governor I have had a connection with Cranford Park School for the past 6 years, with grandchildren in years R and 5. Before retiring I worked in education for many years in main stream schools, PRU’s and Youth Offenders Institutes. I am a member of St Peter’s Church where I help with the toddler group. Kidz Church and Open the Book.
Richard Martin – Parent Governor  
Claire Storey  
Sandra Aktas  
Suzanna Russell – Staff Governor I have been Deputy Headteacher at Cranford Park since September 2019 but have only recently joined the governing body as Staff Governor. I have been a primary school teacher for nearly 20 years. I have two daughters – one in secondary school and one in junior school. When I am not spending time with my family, I particularly enjoy baking and reading!