Why Cranford Park?

At Cranford Park we listen. Our pupils, parents, staff and governors shape our school practice, ensuring that we constantly improve.

This is what our parents had to say…

“Happy and positive, a great school and a lovely atmosphere.”

“The focus is on the individual child, our son loves it here.”

“Very good. My child is very happy at school and is making good progress.”

“Great school where children are happy and staff very helpful.”

“Moved here from another school a year ago and very pleased – haven’t looked back.”

“Everyone knows the children, not too big a school.”

“Good school.”

“Staff are friendly.”

“Small school so children are all known.”

“Good reputation in the area.”

“I only have positive comments. Very pleased with the school.”

“All staff are very approachable.”

“Happy. Son settled well. Like fact only one class per year so they don’t get lost in the crowd.”

“Know some parents with children at other schools who would like to change if there was space.”

“Really happy. Would recommend to other parents.”

“Staff not too strict but they are fair and the children know and learn if they’ve done something wrong.”

“No problems with bullying or anything.”

“No problems – if there is an issue the staff sort it out.”

Please click on the link below to see what our parents have said about how we managed home schooling during the coronavirus lockdowns.

feedback from parents