
Breakfast and After School Childcare is provided by Yateleys “Home from Home” and held on the Yateley School Campus. The caring and qualified staff at Yateleys provide before and after school care for children aged between 4 and 12 years in full time education. 10% discount offered for second and subsequent children from a family.

They are open Monday to Friday during term time, including Inset days.
A walking bus service is available to/from Cranford Park CE Primary School.

Breakfast Club: open 7.30 – 9.00am. Breakfast of toast and a drink provided.

After school club: open 3.15-6.00pm. Refreshments and snacks available.

Inset Days: open from 8.30-3.30pm.

Yateleys also provide playschemes for the school holidays. Please see their website for more information