The curriculum at Cranford Park includes: English, Mathematics, Computing, Science, History, Geography, Design and Technology, Music, Art and Physical Education, French is also taught in Key Stage 2 (Years 3-6). In addition, the curriculum includes Religious Education and this is taught in line with the local authority agreed syllabus. At Cranford Park we also teach PSHE and Citizenship, this is integrated into our curriculum to ensure children are prepared for life in modern day Britain. We have a strong focus on multi-cultural themes, anti-bullying and rights and responsibilities, including democratic voting for School Council / Eco Council and team captains.
Our curriculum is built on five fundamental pillars that place the children at the heart of their learning, and that all staff feel are crucial to developing well-rounded, resilient, successful individuals who are prepared for the next stage of their education and who make a positive contribution to the local and wider communities. Click here to read about these pillars.
At Cranford Park a creative curriculum is in place. It covers all of the statutory requirements but in a way that links curriculum areas together within an engaging theme, which gives improved relevance and understanding. We always try to build on children’s interests and abilities and celebrate their achievements. We also use specialist teachers and experts to enhance the curriculum in areas such as music, PE and history.
Termly class letters keep parents informed about the curriculum areas and topics which will be taught each term. These can be downloaded from the downloads section of our website.
By looking at the individual class pages on our website you can also download each class’s long term curriculum plan.
Teaching of Reading
Children in Early Years and Year 1 will develop their phonic knowledge using the Little Wandle scheme. Children will read phonically decodable books at school, that correspond to their phonics knowledge, and will also have access to matching e-books at home. They will also take home “real” books to share with their parents and carers from our school library.
When children have a secure phonics knowledge they will take home appropriate books from a variety of published schemes including Lighthouse, Snap Dragons, Sunshine, Oxford Reading Tree and New Way.
At Cranford Park we aim to develop confident mathematicians by :
Developing understanding
Prompting thinking & questioning
Providing opportunities to manipulate, experience and see (use of resources)
Developing thinking through investigation
Encouraging reasoning and making connections
Engaging in talk using mathematical vocabulary.
Encouraging children to make links and generalise.
Calculation policy Cranford Park 2022
To see the resources from our Workshops for Parents click here: Early years KS1 KS2
Curriculum Overviews
Our curriculum overviews that detail what each year group do when can be downloaded below.
Our Subject Leaders have also developed subject plans that detail what each year group studies in each subject. These can be accessed below.
We have also been working to ensure there is a clear progression of knowledge and skills developed throughout our school.
Computing Progression of Skills and Knowledge
DT Progression of Skills and Knowledge
French Progression of skills and knowledge
Geography Progression of Skills and Knowledge
History Progression of Skills and Knowledge
RE Progression of skills and knowledge
Science Progression of Skills Science
A complete guide for Parents about the National Curriculum has been published by Rising Stars that you may find useful. This can be downloaded here.