School Choir Performance

11th December 2017 @ 7:00 pm – 8:30 pm

This is the basis of the concert:
> Date: Monday 11th December 2017
> Venue: St Peter’s Church, Yateley
> Time: arrive from 7pm, concert 7.30pm for 1 hour.
> The children (and parents) arrive from 7pm, children to Oasis and parents into the church with their coats. YCS join the children in Oasis at c. 7.15 for a run through of our joint items, then adults return to church and on to seats on the stage. Children follow through, to be seated (we’ll decide this based on numbers) in the chairs either to the left or the right of the “stage” ie altar area.
> The format we have found works best is for the children to do 2 “slots”
> within the concert of 2/3 songs each, plus 1 or 2 joint items with YCS.
> We have found Jingle Bells and the Star Carol work well. The children stand on the steps of the altar area, in front of us on the stage, for their own and the joint items. Our Chairman, Richard Bradford, will be happy to liaise on this and come in to school to meet the choir before the event.
> We serve refreshments after the concert, and hold a retiring collection for charity.
> I hope that helps, but if Ms Batley would like to talk either to Richard or myself, please do ask her to ring.
> Richard Bradford: 07850 857479

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