Free Internet Safety Session Talk for Parents

17th September 2014 @ 7:00 pm – 8:00 pm
Main Hall
Yateley School

Internet Safety Sessions for parents/carers

You are invited to attend a FREE internet safety session at Yateley School.

The talks are being held in Partnership with Safer North Hampshire, Hart Local Children’s Partnership and Phil Bagge, a Computing Advisor working for Hampshire Inspection and Advisory Service, and are aimed at informing parents about internet safety issues that their children may be facing.

Topics covered will include social networking, cyber bullying, online gaming and other online abuse.

The dates are:
-Wednesday 17th September (for Parents of Primary School pupils) Yateley School Main Hall and
-Thursday 25th September (for Parents of Secondary students) Yateley School Drama Studio 1

The talks will start at 7pm and finish by 8pm.

Young people have access to the internet on a multitude of devices these days, and learning about the dangers they may face is something that every parent should be concerned about. You may have questions about what they are doing online, and whether it is safe – these talks are an opportunity to get those answers and find out more!

We would like to know how many parents/carers to expect so please book your Free place online at or call Yateley’s Administration on 01252 877190 or email

We do hope that you will find this session useful.

Yours sincerely

Dave Collins
Head teacher

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