English - Writing
“If you want to change the world, pick up your pen and write.”
Martin Luther
“If you want to be a writer you must do two things above all others; read a lot, and write a lot”
Stephen King
Our Vision for Writing
Children at Cranford Park CE Primary School are confident writers, who experience the joy of writing. Children write clearly, coherently and creatively, with a strong command of the written word. Children can express their ideas confidently and imaginatively, writing effectively across a range of genres for different purposes and audiences. They learn that writing is an opportunity to express their thoughts and feelings. They use their writing as a tool to voice their opinions, to champion causes and know that their writing makes a difference; it has an impact on people. They write in response to things they’ve read and have an awareness of how to elicit a desired response from their reader.
Children are given access to high-quality texts to stimulate their writing. This includes examples of effective text structure in addition to language that enhances their vocabulary to enrich their own writing. Staff model writing effectively to support children to learn new skills.
Children develop fluent, legible handwriting, accurate spelling and are able to proofread and edit their own work. Their writing shows a high degree of grammatical accuracy. Our high expectations and consistent approach to the teaching and learning of writing enable children to reach their full potential and achieve high standards of language and literacy. Children with a talent for writing are encouraged to ‘Let their light shine’ and have opportunities to freely express their imagination and creativity from within.
For more details of our writing curriculum, see the documents below: