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"I like English because when we forget stuff we can look at the board and see what the sticky knowledge is and what we have to remember to do."                                                                                                Year 2 pupil

"I love ICT because you get to explore and the curriculum has got better and is really good now."  Year 6 pupil

"Maths is brilliant. Our flashbacks help us to remember and warm up."        Year 3 pupil

Each of our subjects is led by one of our teaching staff. On our subject pages, you will find their vision for their subject in the school. We aim to achieve this as a school, ensuring our curriculum provides rigour and is exciting, well-resourced and that we adapt it to meet the needs of each cohort of pupils. We are also currently working with the main secondary school which most of our pupils move on to, so that we can ensure we are preparing them well for the next stage of their education.

Please click on the individual subject names to find more details of our curriculum for each subject, including the progression of skills and knowledge children acquire as they move through the school.