Year 3 - Drake
Welcome back to the Spring term!
The children enjoyed their first term in KS2 and engaged with lots of exciting learning.
We started our Stone Age to Iron Age learning in History with a focus on the Stone Age. The children enjoyed researching and finding out about what life was like in the Stone Age. We studied books such as Stone Age Boy and the First Drawing in our English learning.
In our Art lessons, we used clay to make Ammonites, paying attention to the detail and the spiral pattern.
As part of our science learning, we learnt about how fossils were formed and investigated the different soils in our school grounds. We learnt about the different types of rocks (sedimentary, metamorphic and igneous) and identified some of their uses.
We designed and made packaging for a healthy sandwich in DT - the children seemed to enjoy their sandwiches!
This half-term, in English, we will be looking at the texts: