Year 2 - Armstrong
Year 2 have had a great start to the year and have settled in well to their new classroom. I have been so impressed at their resilience to challenges as well as their kindness towards others!
The children have really enjoyed their English learning, particularly Bear Under the Stairs, as they enjoyed finding a suitcase with honey and fur inside it, guessing who had visited our classroom! We are continuing our bear theme currently while reading Bear and the Piano, which the children have enjoyed as they are creating their own stories based on their own animal playing an instrument!
Last term, we discovered the continents of the world, looking at both the continents and the oceans that make up the Earth, which the children have enjoyed. They created some Aboriginal inspired artwork when learning about Oceania.
The children have also enjoyed their art topic of 'Portraits and Poses', where each child posed with an object that meant something to them and their partner drew them.
This half-term, we are looking at hot and cold climates in geography, as well as magnificent monarchs in history. We are continuing with our portraits and poses art topic, which links beautifully with our history as both look at royal paintings and why they were created.
Please see our topic web and family learning below for more information.
Miss Strudwick.