Year 4 - Carter
Welcome back to the second half of spring term, we hope you had a lovely half term. We can’t believe we are already half way through the school year!
Last half term was a very busy one. We learnt all about Anglo Saxons and Vikings. We were very fascinated to find out how they lived and survived and particularly enjoyed all the gory battles! Some children even completed some of the home learning work, which we have examples of below.
We also enjoyed learning about staying safe online, particularly learning about scams and how important it is to think carefully about information you read and receive on the internet and always report something if you are not sure it is true or trustworthy. Miss Singer ran a poster competition across the school and two of the winning posters were from our class! They were amazing!
Just before half term, we had a pause day where we thought about love and how important it is to us all. We looked at some of the passages in the Bible which talk about love and considered how important it is to show love for ourselves, our neighbours and the environment.
This term, we are going to be very busy as well! In English, we will be reading The Baker by the Sea by
Paula White and Odd and the Frost Giants by Neil Gaiman. We will be creating a tourist brochure and writing an alternative story ending.
It is also Book Week on the week 3rd March. We are going to be focusing on the theme ‘Environment and Sustainability’. We will be reading a different book and creating some work themed on this. There are also various competitions which have been sent out in an email to parents. There will be a Dressing up as a Book character on Thursday 6th March. We can’t wait to see what you will all dress as!
The following week is Science week! In Carter class we love Science and can’t wait for some more experiments! Some of them are likely to be a little bit explosive!
On 25th March, don’t forget it is our Vikings and Anglo Saxon workshop and dress up day. Here are some ideas of outfits you can wear. But you are welcome to wear all green/brown clothes if you do not want to buy an outfit specially.