Wraparound Provision
Our wraparound care opened in September 2023 and is now thriving and highly successful. Both the breakfast club and after-school club operate on the school site, providing wraparound care from 7.45am to 6pm to support our working parents. The provision is run by school staff and we only cater for children attending Cranford Park Primary School. Thus, we know all our children well and can cater to their needs.
In the after-school club, meals are prepared daily by trained staff, including one who also works in our school kitchens. There is a weekly menu which contains light meals such as sandwiches and wraps, pasta, hotdogs and so on. In addition, there is a clear programme of activities which includes daily extra-curricular activities, time to do homework, time for food and ‘downtime’ when children can relax and enjoy a range of activities. The club has a wonderful ‘family’ feel, with older pupils caring for our younger ones beautifully.
The club is open to all our parents and we guarantee spaces for those who are registered. Where possible, we can also cater for ‘ad hoc’ sessions to support parents with unexpected childcare issues.
Please contact the school to find out more or to arrange to see our clubs in operation.